Contact Us
Free Canada VPN facility is linked to important upstream suppliers that connect to hundreds of exchange partners which assures a constant Internet connection and superior routing.
Our VPN data center has total over 50Gbps capacity with high quality network connection via Tata Communications (formerly Teleglobe), Videotron, Peer1,TorIX, Level 3 and Deutsche Telekom using the shortest route. For inbound traffic, all available providers are used, Tata Communications, Videotron, Peer1,TorIX, Level 3, Deutsche Telekom and Cogent. Our network is hard to beat when it comes to availability and response time, with world fastest internet backbone to all over the world.
If you are satisfied with our Free VPN service’s performance and reliability, you can consider to upgrade to our commercial grade paid VPN service, with dedicated VPN bandwidth, 24×7 availability time and super low latency to Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa, it’s the ideal VPN service choice for individual or business users from any countries.
Note: It’s forbidden to use this service for ANY illegal network attack, sex offense, P2P download etc. activities. In case of service abuse the detail access log will be submitted to 3rd party authority when necessary.
Any question, inquiry and service upgrading request, please contact us by email to: [email protected], thanks!